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Kyle Houser


Concepts of Pop, nostalgia and kitsch mingle with a traditional Japanese aesthetic and design influence in Kyle’s work. His work consists of functional wood fired pieces, mid-range stoneware, and small-scale sculpture. Houser uses commercial decals as well as laser printed transfers that he creates from his personal digital photographs, drawings, collages, etc... All of the images are fired into and onto the surface of the forms in order to create layered compositions that work with the glazes and shapes of the pieces.


He works full time as the studio arts program manager at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, teaches art history at the Community College of Allegheny County and in past summers, managed the Visual Arts at Chautauqua Institution’s School of Art ceramics studio. 


Houser is interested in the chaos of disjoined visual information, how zipping along in a car turns the outside scene into a blur. This “deluge” of information — bridges, gridwork, buildings, advertisements, bumper stickers — isn’t limited to images seen during a car ride. Houser is also interested in how people process what they see online and via mobile devices.


“We’re all kind of going about our life and seeing it in bits and pieces,” he said. “I think it’s important to understand how we process it, and are we processing it? And are we just getting bits and pieces that mean nothing?”

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